The Rivista is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal.

The initial evaluation of received manuscripts is handled by the editors. Manuscripts approved in the initial stage are assigned to two independent reviewers. The reviewers have two weeks to respond to the invitation. Once reviewers are confirmed, the typical length of time for a review is four to six weeks. Authors can suggest up to two reviewers for their manuscript, excluding current or previous supervisors and co-authors. It is then up to the handling editor if they choose from the list. All competing interests must be declared together with the submission.

The reviewers are asked to decide whether the manuscript is accepted, accepted with minor revisions, or rejected. There is no revise and resubmit. However, authors can make a new independent submission after substantive changes. The editors of the journal are not allowed to submit their own papers. Invited editors and board members can submit in which case they are excluded from the editorial tasks.

Manuscripts previously published online, whether privately or on free archive servers like LingBuzz, are welcome. Once the manuscript gets published in the Rivista, it is recommended to insert a link to the place of the original posting.